NTN 6906ZZ Bearing

Min. Order: 1 Piece

Bearing Price

$ 70.70 (Price for reference only.)
IN STOCK 500+ pcs.with 3 to 7 days delivery time

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Bearing Information
  • Internal diameter30mm
  • External diameter55mm
  • width13mm
Bearing manufacturers
  • ManufacturerNTN
  • Part Number6906ZZ
Bearing types
Other Information

Weight (kg):0.1197 Product Properties: Bore:C - Cylindrical Bore: Seal:ZZ/2Z - Steel Seal on Two Sides: Cage Type:S - Steel or Standard Cage: External Modification:NR - Groove and Snap Ring: Radial Internal Play:C5 Internal Play (Higher than C4): Precision:Standard Precision: Lubrication:Standard Lubrication: Heat Stabilization:No Heat Stabilization - Temperatures up to 120 °C: Special Treatment:8 - Heat Stab Up to 200°C (NTN)